Cut + Run and Ideaology are, like, totally back for the LA County Fair

Clueless, stereotypical mani-pedi receiving, lip and breast inflating, cell phone chatting LA shopaholics. Yes, the Los Angeles County Fair is back and so are the lovable but hopeless stars of the event's ad campaign. In this series, the girls (and their Botox loving mom) take on two venerable aspects of the Los Angeles County Fair - the bumper cars and a pie baking contest. Their bumper car adventure begins with the shock that they'll have to walk to the cars (no valet?) and ends with frustration over not being able to text or put on mascara during the ride. Then it's off to the pie baking contest where the girls have embraced the organic craze, presenting an anti-oxidant pie that looks like animal feed but has all of the trendy additives like ginkgo biloba.

Check out the new spots below:

Missed the ads from last year? Check out "Free Range Cashmere" and "Vegan".

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