zig Launches New Campaign for Mr. Sub

zig, Toronto has launched a new TV campaign for MR.SUB, Canada's first quick service submarine restaurant chain. The new campaign includes three commercials that celebrate MR.SUB's commitment to making a variety of fresh, quality submarine sandwiches that are "so delicious, they make good people do bad things." The campaign differentiates the brand through quirky and irreverent humor that appeals to young sub-eating guys.

Following the campaign line, "so delicious, they make good people do bad things," the three :30 spots depict various unexpected situations where a typically good person steals someone’s MR.SUB sandwich. Fifteen-second cut-down versions were also created. The idea will also be rolled out in-store.

See the spots below.

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kurtberengeiger's picture

What's with the wacky VO?

garbahnzo's picture

Do they not have Subway or Quizno's in Canada?