Creatives get creative when hustling for jobs: Copywriter on Craigslist & Designer on Dribbble

Via Work That Matters we found Travis Boyles Craigslist ad: I DO ANYTHING (30307). He starts out in the low digits, and along the way, one learns the value of good copywriting.

Things I Will Do For $5:
Stare at you for 5 minutes
Give a hug to the person of your choosing
Call you on the phone and seem genuinely interested for 10 minutes
Draw your face on a balloon
Sing Barenaked Ladies' "One Week" from memory to the best of my ability
6 minutes of copywriting

Of course, we had to ask him if he'd gotten any interesting replies yet, and @TravisBroyles responded: Plenty! I may have the opportunity to reunite a family, and this will be my first February as a professional Valentine. Nice one.

Meanwhile, in Leeds, Harry Roberts a.k.a csswizardry made his Dribbble page all about him, and his big fat "hire me" sign. Very clever. A bit like Alexandre Oudin's facebook profile which was such a popular idea that Schweppes later turned into an app. Moral of the story: your ideas should sell your skill - it will get you attention.src="">Schweppes later turned into an app. Moral of the story: your ideas should sell your skill - it will get you attention.

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