CP+B players start their own crowdsourced ad agency Victor & Spoils


The Denver Egotist commentators are snarking NEW BOULDER AGENCY, VICTORS & SPOILS, WILL SPECIALIZE IN (GASP) CROWDSOURCING after having read the New York Times article on the CP+B breakaway Victor & Spoils. Welcome To Victors & Spoils. Let’s Change An Industry. "Calling all creatives. At least the ones with spirit."

One comment on TDE smirks: looks like they crowdsourced their website. I’ll give them 1 year to ride the latest little trend, before falling apart and resurfacing elsewhere in separate pieces.

A crowdsourced agency. How will this work in an industry where the inventory goes down the elevator every night? Will it work?

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No. It's a stupid idea based on a trend that's in a death spiral. It's spec work wrapped in new fancy words. It's an agency without a product to sell.