
Comviq - Lennart - (2003) 0:30 (Sweden)

Comviq pays whenever someone phones you - the unfortunate side effect is that you might answer your phone when you really shouldn't.............

Classic Coffee - Punchline - (2003) 0:30 (Sweden)

Tired people are slow to get the punchline..... "...the mailbox. And on that it reads; "I saw you"

Libresse - Moped - (2003) 0:30 (Sweden)

This girl has a clever way of picking up cute Mod boys - interesting way to make a (feminine) product point, and not one rollerblading girl in sight.

Ikea - beds and closets (2003) 0:60 (Sweden)

Agency: Forsman och Bodenfors, Gothenburg.

Kalles Kaviar - Last squeeze - (2003) :30 (Sweden)

Volkswagen Champ - Woodshop - 0:30 (Sweden) 2003

Hey, check out what I made in woodshop class. A replica of the new shopsign for the Golf Champ. "..new golf champ. everything included..

Volkswagen Champ - internet porn? - 0:30 (Sweden) 2003

*moans* Ooooh shit.

Advertising, a royal job.

Posten - THE BOXER (2003) - Sweden

"Som ett brev på posten"

R.O.O.M. advertises without furniture


Mama Mia that's a ballsy rip-off ...

Those who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it. But repeat it this well?

ICA handlarna - Blair Witch (2003) 0:30 (sweden)

Ica does a homage to the Blair Witch project. Roger: Why did we have to go into the woods? Couldn't we have barbecued on the backyard instead?

Heidi looks like a stripper?

H&M have already caused their usual ruckus with their new poster campaign for summer bathing fashions - featuring model Heidi Klum.

Internetworld (Sweden) Site of the month

Ipren - Greatest hits - (2003) 0:45 (Sweden)

Ipren-man: - "Now they are here, my greatest hits, works on all temporary pain and fever." Boy-band sings : You can lower my fever when I
1 Comment

NorLevo - Guys are special (2003) 0:30 (sweden)

With these klutzes around, now wonder accidents happen.

Kestine - Double the power (2003) 0:30 (sweden)

agency: Thörn & Täckenström J Walter Thompson Stockholm

ICA Handlarna - healthy choices (2002) - 0:30 (Sweden)

Ulf: ..

BoingBoing link


Resume 'men hallå' [swedish tradepress]


best yet?


Think - Sudden Death - 0:30 2003 (sweden)

This is not a game, children.

Think - Saigon - 0:30 2003 (sweden)

walks like a duck.. talks like , well, not a duck...

Scandinavian Logos

Synoptik - Mice - (2002) 0:30 (Sweden)

Volvo V70 - The Sports car - (2002) 0:30 (Sweden)

"Sport" cars need to fit all the sporting gear.

ad translation bites.

In Stockholm 7-11 are currently running ads promoting their hot dogs. Someone should have told them what their headline means in french

Comviq - diving pool - (2002) 0:30 (Sweden)

Agency: Forsman och Bodenfors, Gothenburg.

Ad glossary

ICA Handlarna - Rogers Fans (2002) - 0:30 (Sweden)

Rogers Fans: Helloooo! Roger: Hiya. Fan #1: Oooh, what's in this bag?

breaking through to the other side.


Fake ad promotes xenophobic ideals.


salary negotiations

Reaching the end of a job interview, the Creative Recruiter asked a young hot shot with a student d&ad, "...and what starting salary were you

Polarn & Pyret - Sulking girl - (2002) :30 (Sweden)

Posten - Barbershop (2002) (Sweden)

"Som ett brev på posten" is a Swedish expression that literally means "like a letter in the mail" and figuratively means "a s

Resume.se carries nimda virus

Woops - resume.se - the Swedish advertising and media news on the web best served to an Internet Explorer browser was carrying the Nimda virus this we

Sourze and comhem show swedish ads.

ICA Handlarna - Love movie Roger and Kajsa (2001) - 0:30 (Sweden)

Roger: Ulf.. Ulf: Yeah? Roger: I think Kajsa likes me. Ulf: Really. why? Roger: You know what she said to me this morning?

Vardag offers application forms

ICA Handlarna - Go Fish - Fiskdamm (2002) - 0:30 (Sweden)

Stig: Here you go kid, hold here. Roger: Okay... Now the fish are biting. Stig: Hey, look at that. Kid: Wow!


"I ❤️ cum"

I love cum - "I ❤️ cum"

"I ❤️ cum". Locum wishes everyone in Sweden a happy (yule) holiday season - with a very dirty ad indeed.

ICA Handlarna - Tomten kommer (2001) - 0:30 (Sweden)

Roger: I was thinking that when Santa comes, he first gets a little Christmas ham, and then he can sit over here and speak to the children.

Comviq- Tennis Match - (2001) 0:30 (Sweden)


Jörgen och Jonny svarar.

If you aren't a Stockholm Adgrunt, you may never have heard of Jörgen and Jonny the boys behind the Jarowskij weekly newsletter - and thus you ha

Festis - The Clinic - (2001) 0:30 (Sweden)

It's hard to kick the habit......When you are a Festis.

Dabitch is back (in New York City)

Since I'm so pleased that Adland is back online, I thought I'd throw a little party.

Coca Cola - Do You Know Fred? (2001) :30 (Sweden)

People are asked about Fred, and all say things that are wrong compared to what he is doing.

Guldägg Nominations March7 2001

Festis - The Chase - (2001) 0:30 (Sweden)

A man wants more Festis and it all seems like a drugdeal in LA

Ulf Dahlsten leaves Icon - effective immediatly

Ulf Dahlsten - the man who was chosen to head up the Cannes Lions Cyberaward mentioned earlier here announced today that he is resigning from his posi

TV3 - Hockey Season - (2000) 0:30 (Sweden)

Really tired in the office...

Libero - Funny Walk - (2000) 0:30 (Sweden)

Koff Beer - Jacuzzi / Brewed with Perkele - (2000) :30 (Sweden)

Finnish proves itself to be the best language to curse and converse with. Tagline "Brewed with perkele" - Perkele is the Finnish four let

St Luke's in Stockholm


St Luke's worldwide domination begins in the north.


Stockholm PR agency wanted!

Due to the European expansion plans of independent wireless development community - AnywhereYouGo.com, we are now looking for a small/medium sized PR

The ghost ads of Cannes - scam ad Taronga Zoo bronze winner has Creative Director resign

The creative director of Lowe Lintas Sydney, Mr.

web: CINT Sweden - pekar mot adland i sitt nyhetesbrev (swedish)

HAR DU SETT DEN FÖRUT? Har du sett den förrut? På Ad-Land har man en sektion där man samlar reklam som är tydliga plagiat av annan reklam.

Swedes bring home the gold. And so does Nike in the Cyberlions.

In Cannes it seems the Swedes are continuing to take over the world in their second Viking raid era.

Aftonbladet - Stafettdildon / The Relay dildo (2000) :20 (Sweden)

"Då tar jag och springer lite stafett då."

Volvo V70 - Lotta Love - (1999) 0:30 (Sweden)

A bachelor would never buy a family sedan, or would he?

Volvo S40 - Saves lives - (1999) 0:30 (Sweden)

Man in kitchen tries to swat flies.

Festis - Password - (1999) :30 (Sweden)


Only an inch away from the orginal...

Gillette Mach 3 - Tre Blad - (1999) :30 (Sweden)

"Tre blad - Färre Drag - Mach tre från Gillette"

IKEA - Dating / Nothing is impossible (1999) :30 (Sweden)

A young man with a computer but very little in the way of furniture gets tired of watching an image load on his computer.

VW Beetle - Vinn En På Internet (1999) :10 (Sweden)

Want to win one of these fancy cars? "Vinn en på internet!" Go to Volkswagen.se 

Chiquita - Alla bananer / All bananas (1999) :15 (Sweden)

All bananas want to be Chiquita bananas. But I only pick the best ones. Chiquita, naturally.

Ipren - The Ipren Man - (1999) 0:30 (Sweden)

Greenpeace vs Designstudents

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Libero - "-30 degrees Celcius" - (1999) 0:60 (Sweden)

Agency: Forsman och Bodenfors


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