Coors Light - Here's to the Wingman (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

There's something about this spot - Quite possibly the most brilliant beer commercial ballad ever?

Balladeer: chris k of Goldspot
Lyrics: Jason Elm

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AnonymousCoward's picture

The best commerical ever. Thank God I was watching the draft that day. Now I have my 4yr old son singing the song.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I concur. Once again, Coors has me walking around singing a song from one of their commericals. Now if I'd only buy the beer...

Dabitch's picture

Clayton, I think you can safely say, this is the the most brilliant beer commercial ballad ever. some people even teach their 4-year olds to sing it. hehe.


Dabitch's picture

Someone out there pointed out that this song is mighty familiar , reminds him of - Stephen Lynch "She's gotta smile" is the coarser comedy version of similar song-gag.

claymore's picture

Whoa - it goes back even farther - if you're able to dig up the 1986 album Montana Cafe by Hand Williams Jr, there's a track entitled "Fat Friends." Complete with a tuba in the mix. Brilliant but about as non-PC as you can get.

claymore's picture

Hank Williams Jr. even - another Friday typo.

AnonymousCoward's picture

It's right up there with Chris and Tad's "Sunshine Pig" for the US Mini spots - ..." How did you ever get so?...."