Compricer - Never stop comparing - (2008) :35 (Sweden)

VO: You do it all the time.
On purpose, or unaware.
Everyday or scientifically
Just for fun
and in matters of high importance.
Because it's only when you know what you can get, you'll see what you miss out on.
Never stop comparing. - the compare service for your personal finances.

Ad agency: Garbergs
Music : Malcolm Pardon/ Dead Mono
Prod co: Acne film

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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guitargod's picture


adlib's picture

Hilarious! You didn't see the ad did you, guitargod ? I'm guessing by your comment.

RLDavies's picture

As an ad, it's OK. But I misread your translation text under the ad as: "VD: You do it all the time. On purpose or unaware..." (Got to get some new glasses. But both the text and the ad are pretty entertaining if it's VD.)

Dabitch's picture

*snort* We should do a list of "lines that would work if the ad was about VD", I think we could find many hilarious examples.