Coming Adtractions - win jewelboxings.

Yes fellow AdGrunts, we have another game on where you can use your creative writing skills to win a 20pack of pretty jewelboxings, also known as the only way for a digital portfolio to travel in style.

The game is quite simple, write the voice-over for our coming adtractions, movies about love, lust and advertising. The rules are even simpler - write your VO as a comment underneath this article, and you have a chance to win the 20pack. Monday October 4 is the day we will pick the winnah!

So what do we mean by voice-over? You know how it works - here are our suggestions to get you started:

In a far-off land.
Where overtime is constant.
One intern student.
Will wander for hours in the stock room.
By the lack spraymount.
"The startup" coming soon to a warehouse near you.

Coudal suggests a dramatic thriller that we all can sympathize with:

How far would you go
to look into the eyes of the killer
of your perfect layout?

Would you sacrifice everything?
Would you betray your partner?
Would you give up lattes?

Coming this fall...
"The Final, Final Revision"
A Death by Tweaking

Game on, get going adgrunts - a shiny new 20pack of jewelboxings can be yours while you have fun mocking our biz. If you need inspiration for your thriller/drama try playing the navigate the ad world game and return after you've killed the client with a number 2 pencil.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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James Trickery's picture

They took his point and pica-ruler,
his burnisher
his T-square
and his Letraset rubdown font sheets

but when they came for his X-ACTO knife
they messed with the wrong old school AD
"Slasher" paper-cuts never stung like this.
Rated R for Retro.

claymore's picture

In a world where commission was king
And suits ruled with a proactive fist...
Where mindless drones worshipped paradigms,
but didn't know how to spell it...
Where ideas were crushed...
Where drivel was spewed...
One creative,
Armed with only a brief,
A brilliant notion
And a triple-shot latte,
Went renegade.
A loose cannon against an army of Armani.
A brainstorm amongst a pleated wasteland.
Only he could save the jewel that he loved.
The gem that could save...
The entire account.

The Spec.
Coming this October to a boardroom near you.

Dabitch's picture

Awesome! *plops down in seat, throws pop-corn at the screen*

kamari's picture

Where do you hide
Then one you trust the most
Hides a murderous intent
behind a fatherly facade?
Kill Your Darlings
every second on the blackboard counts.

Neo's picture

Have you ever had a idea Neo that you were sure was real great.
What if you were unable to shake that idea.
How would you know the difference between the hack idea and the great idea?
"What is happening to me?"
"The answer is out there Neo, it's the question that drives us."
"What is a Great Ad?"
The ad school is the adworld that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
What truth?
So you are here to save the adworld. What do you need?
Markers. Lots of Markers.
"No one has ever done anything like this before."
Unfortunately, no one can be told, what a Great Ad is.
You have to see it for yourelf.
The Awardwinner

(I had to do it.)

caffeinegoddess's picture

For years it lived in a manila file folder
Sometimes forgotten, sometimes lovely glanced at...
It waited and waited until the time was right.
And now...
The Brief has come.
And it's time for The Big Idea to come out of hiding and show the world how it gets done.
The Idea. Who knew it could be like this?
Coming to a media outlet near you.

caffeinegoddess's picture

One woman.
One dream.
One glass ceiling for her to break through.
Will she have to sacrifice everything else in order to make to the big corner office?
Can she do it without sleeping her way to the top?
Can she get the respect she deserves from her male counterparts?
Can she do it without being called a bitch?
The Female Creative Director
Coming to an agency near you.

deeped's picture

No turning back.
Nowhere to hide.
You just have to do it.
The spec is inevitable coming to an end.

Feel the fright from the suit
Taste the sweat of the art director
and the swell sweater of the copywriter.

They are coming.
They are near.

Watch The return of the customer at a TV in the wild.

claymore's picture

In a building beyond imagination
A building that scrapes the sky
One man
On the fifty-third floor
Is about to run out of time.

He has two hours to reconstruct
the last three months of his life
or he will be killed...


His copywriter partner is missing.
His traffic manager doesn't care.
And his AEs are going to write off the time anyway,
But if he fails in this one mission...
It's all over, until next time.

The Art Director's Time Sheets
Coming due in an agency near you.

caffeinegoddess's picture

One night
One party
Booze flowed
The digital pictures were snapped.
AEs and Media planners were under the table-
Photocopies were made of the receptionist arse.
And people were hooking up left and right.
But what happens the next morning?
When the hangovers disappear?
When the photos get passed around?
Would you survive the Morning After the Agency Holiday Party?

AnonymousCoward's picture

Jonathan Moore has a dream.
To be the first man.
To have a say.
Against the monsters.
Of mass-manipulation.

Is key.
In a world.
Of know-it-alls.

This holiday season.
Jonathan Moore.

The Attendee
Coming to your session soon

AnonymousCoward's picture

In the twisted world of selling, one man makes a stand.
Bringing Catholic beliefs into an industry ruled by degraded morals and loose scruples, he WILL make a difference. Convinced that sales can be made through honest representation and quality product, he is...


Coming soon to a theater, and unemployment line, near you.

Dabitch's picture

*brushes popcorn crumbs from lap*

Shoot what a shame to see it end just as it was getting a second wind -- these were all really funny, I could see "Slasher" being a low budget Japanese gore-flick. ;) The winner is : The Art Director's Time Sheets. But all of these were dang funny. :)

Neo's picture

Everyone, good job - you made me and my partner laugh out loud here today.