A Washington's Lottery vending machine embarks on a journey of discovery in the new spot "The Curious Lottery Vending Machine" brought to life by The New Blank for agency Cole & Weber. Released from its static existence, an animated Lottery Vending Machine (LVM) explores the places and meets the people Washington's lottery benefits. Pride and happiness come from seeing this impact firsthand.
“The campaign really pulls on the heartstrings and shows just how much good comes from our beneficiary program,” says Randy Warick. Assistant Director of Marketing, Washington’s Lottery. “I don’t think anyone will walk away from this without a smile on their face.”
Employing the concept of this pint-sized LVM, Cole & Weber and The New Blank worked to develop a narrative experience that illustrates the lottery’s impact with emotion and entertainment. Produced by The New Blank and directed by TNB’s Bobby Hougham, the story was ushered forth with an animated LVM exploring a live action world for magical moments grounded in reality.
“We really enjoyed working with Cole & Weber in expanding the traditional advertising problem/solution structure to a three act hero's journey,” comments Hougham. “The goal was to make the Little LVM as relatable as possible, as human as possible, experiencing moments we can all appreciate while discovering various Washington State Lottery beneficiaries.”
Headquartered in Seattle, The New Blank is a happily obsessive group of directors and designers weaving beautiful tales for every modern medium. From live action and animated narratives in advertising to large-scale experiences and network and show branding campaigns, The New Blank combines research, concept and craft in everything they do.
Client: Washington Lottery
Agency: Cole & Weber ECD: Jason Black CD: Todd Derksen AD: Louie Johnson ACD / CW: Peter Trueblood Senior Producer: Chelsea Sweetin Audio & SFX: HEARby (John Buroker)
Production and Animation Company: The New Blank Director: Bobby Hougham DP: Joel Voelker LP: John Gomez ECD: Bobby Hougham EP: Sevrin Daniels Color: Eric Edwards Composite: Marcus Kulik, Ben Strickland Modeling: Adam Rosenweig Character Animation: Andrew Butterworth Lighting: Marcus Kulik |