Classic Badlander: X wants YOU - *points*

James Montgomery Flagg's Iconic Poster "I want you"

Because I am in a smartarse mood today, I'd just like to point out that Uncle Sam's "wants you" recruitment poster is totally a badlander as "Lord Kitchener Wants You" was the UK's call to personal action already back in 1914.

The "pointing at the viewer" guilt trip of the Lord Kitchener poster can be seen echoed in many more posters that came after it. Examples; Smokey the bear, Soviet Union poster by Dmitry Moor, 1941. A United States, World War I poster in Yiddish: "Your Old New Land must have you! Join the Jewish regiment". A British World War I recruiting poster with John Bull asking "Who's Absent? Is it YOU?" in 1915. A Reichswehr recruitment poster by Julius Ussy Engelhard, 1919. "You too must join Reichswehr". And so on. You, dear punter, are wanted as canon-fodder,

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