- Motel/Clown/Beach (2008) Print (USA)

The folks at Hanft Raboy and Partners have send in their latest print campaign for The new ad follow the concept from the prior campaign which highlighted the strange reasons why people were rejected by their competitor, eHarmony.

"Our previous campaign “Rejected by eHarmony” received a lot of buzz for questioning the exclusionary tactics of eHarmony. We hope this campaign continues the dialogue."

Agency: Hanft Raboy and Partners
Executive Creative Director/Copywriter: Doug Raboy
Creative Director/Art Director: John Tumelty
Art Director: Reuben Orter
Photographer: Tom Fowlks

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Wendall's picture

I don't agree with eharmony's stances, but I just read they're being sued for having said stances. That seems wrong.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I agree with you, they shouldn't be sued for it. We can simply take our dating business elsewhere.