Cartier Tank Française: Behind the Scenes (2023) (France)

The Tank Française film is a tribute to cinema and to the creative freedom upheld by Cartier. Paris itself plays the lead role, surrounded by an international cast of strong personalities. How did they get the bridge all to themselves?

Sr Vice President Chief Marketing Officer: Arnaud Carrez

International Creative Communications Director : Emmanuelle Guillon

Creative Product Content Director : Marco Terroni

Creative Content Group Manager : Charlotte Temam

Creative Content Project Manager : Bettina Ghinozzi

Creative Product Content Post-Producer : Valentine Karas

Creation : Antoine Bonodot

Creation Film, Digital & Print : Adrien Cussonneau, Alexandre Jean-Marie, Gaël Cornet
Commercial: Amandine Ribeiro, Iris Decoux, Sofia Silva Rodrigues, Laurence Levy
TV production: Christine Bouffort

Art buying : Emma Boutami

Catherine Deneuve as she looked in Indochine
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