Carlsberg - Bikers Cinema Stunt

Carlsberg and Duval Guillaume decide to pull a prank on unsuspecting movie going couples. They filled the cinema with the baddest boys around, and left only two seats in the middle empty. The reactions are priceless, I especially like the pencil-necked guy who grabs onto his girlfriends arm as if he just wants to hide behind her. Those who did brave their way through the scary looking crowd - an older couple among them, little ol' ladies don't scare easily - were treated to a spotlight beam, a round of applause and a Carlsberg.

Ad agency: Duval Guillaume Modem, Brussels
Creatives: Koenraad Lefever , Dries De Wilde

Production: Monodot, Brussels
Director: Cecilia Verheyden
Producer: Tatiana Pierre

Creative Director: Geoffrey Hantson , Katrien Bottez

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I love it!