Canal+ Sports - The Neighbor and The Conductor (2022)

When you really love sport, you hate to miss big moments. So all excuses are good to watch some action, whether it is a football game or a Formula One race. The crazier, the better, it seems. Both films of the campaign bring humor in situations where sports passionates go above and beyond to catch themselves some sports on Canal+.


Like this train conductor, and his awkward questions about solo cards and "why aren't you traveling to Nice?"

Both films were directed by Hafid F. Benamar (Sovage Production). Here the upstairs neighbor is super awkward about a leak. That travels up.

Brand: Canal+
Brand Managers: Emilie Pietrini, Celine Pontygayot, Laurent Ferry, Brieuc Bascher
Ad Agency: BETC
Agency Managers: Mathilde Lancon, Adrien Bletton, Tenee Diouf, Juliette Vigier
Chief Creative Officer: Stephane Xiberras
Executive Creative Director: Nicolas Lautier
Copywriter: Adrian Skenderovic
Art Directors: David Derouet, Ulysse Lagriffoul
Strategic Planners: Sebastien Houdusse, Mia Assor
Creative Traffic: Nina De Wet
Music Creative Director: Adam Ghoubali
Artist: Cosmonexion
Head of TV Production: Karim Naceur
TV Producer: Leslie Levy
Production Company: Sovage
Director: Hafid F Benamar
Producer: Willy Morence
Sound Company: GUM
Sound Producer: Emma-Lou Jacono

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