Been spotted in a highly flattering review "Meet The 22 Most Influential Advertising Bloggers" in Business Insider. They sum it up with:
There's a plethora of content, including a massive library of Super Bowl ads. While the content relies on submissions, host Dabitch still puts out some of the best editorials on the web.
Our cheeks are now competing with our hair in chromatic color. Thanks, man.
Meanwhile Brandrepublic puts us at #6 out of 100 choice blogs.
Loved the composite picture (which sits atop the article, not your work) with you and Seth Godin (and ol' baldy seeming to eye your hair). But also because you and he are two of the very few voices I can disagree with 50%+ of the time and still want to hear from regularly. But then, these days I'm finding myself disagreeing with almost everybody 50%+ of the time.
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PermalinkFunny, I disagree with Seth at least 50% of the time, so does that make you and me agree 100% of that particular point in time, at that time, or do we rip a hole in the space time continuum by even attempting to figure this out? Curious Schrödingers want to know, man.
(tx, flattered. Really. If I'm making myself 50% ugh but you're still coming back Craig, I'm doing it right.)
He IS totally jealously eying my hair, isn't he? Somebody get on this photoshop job, stat.
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