Burger King - Did you mean Whopper? - Case study (2022)

On International Hamburger Day 2021 - which was Friday May 28 - it's kind of a day where you can’t eat anything else. It is a day that’s become a price war between burger joints.

So while everyone was spending on offers and lowering prices... The king just made sure to be found.

Every time someone searched for something else to eat… they found a whopper in just two hours: 5.2% ctr (*2% above average), 18% rise in website traffic, 20.3%increase in e-commerce sales, 0% discount on Burger King Whopper. 

Ad Agency: Publicidad Comercial MullenLowe Guatemala

Lourdes Safié - Executive Creative Director: Rodrigo Costas - Digital Manager: Mario Limón - Creative Director: Marielos Soch - Editor: Daniel Castro - Design: Carlos Vásquez - Copy: Daniela Archila


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