Bovril - Biker / Bad Day - (1992) :30 (UK)

The Bovril biker dude is having an exceptionally bad day, where everything and then some goes wrong. All of it is set to Elvis crooning "The wonder is you", and the wonder is that thick beef bouillon served hot in a tea-cup which was the drink of choice before mad cow disease scared Bovril's marketing budget to be so wee, that they stopped advertising on telly.

Client: Bovril

Production company: RSA

Directors: Pete Lewtas and Steve Lowe

Director of Photography: Geoff Boyle

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

And these days people don't even drink Bovril any more! It's been years since I did, in fact I had forgotten completely what it was like until I saw this ad. That really does sum it up. Perfect drink in cold rainy days.

Rhino-guest's picture

I thought people stopped drinking Bovril.. Or at least Bovril stopped advertising, around the time of mad cow? I do love a cuppa.