Boeing - Why We're Here (2007) :30 (USA)

We're here to redefine air travel.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Every time I see the this ad I feel sick from all the treacle. Please. You're here to make money. Not fuzzy wuzzy, warm, giving back baloney.

TDD's picture

i agree, but you must sell a good or provide a service to make money, and that good or service must be of a quality that your customers are willing to pay for. Maybe Boeing is saying, "We make good stuff, and provide good service".

"Happiness is overrated. Take this placebo; it might make you feel better."

adlib's picture

Boeing doing consumer directed advertising is a load of crock to begin with - when did you buy a Boeing last? Hmm?

TDD's picture

Probably the last time the government bought aircraft for the military from Boeing with the taxes I paid.

"Happiness is overrated. Take this placebo; it might make you feel better."

Allan1's picture

Well... You could tell your airline that you prefer using a Boeing. See how that works for ya.

The largest jet purchase that mere mortals usually make is a Gulfstream.

Of course the ad could be directed at John Travolta, who has a (Boeing) 707 on his backyard landing strip (in Florida).

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).

tod.brody's picture

Pretty shortsighted for the ad biz.  Image advertising is as old as the hills. Two companies immediately come to mind that spent tens of millions on advertising but don't sell products to the public, BASF,and ADM.  But even those who do sell directly to the public buy millions in media for image ads. 

Dabitch's picture

It's all to sell stock mates.

tod.brody's picture

Well, isn't that what business is all about?  To make money.  If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be any advertising or an Adland.