Bodyform Responds - The Truth, Richard - (2012) 1:45 (UK)

Bodyform (pretend) CEO Caroline Williams responds here to Richards post on the Bodyform Facebook page, noting "you forgot horse riding, Richard". There's blue water, a plate of red jello at the mention of crimson tide, and a fart that deflates Richard's old joke about feminine hygiene products ability to allow ladies to swim, ride horses and wear white pants after labour day beautifully. If Bodyform had a CEO, I really wish she would be like Caroline Williams. This is how you do digital and social media, my friends. I don't even care if this Richard-person was a setup to begin with (which is likely), Caroline's deadpanning has amused us. *clap clap*

It's worth noting though that these days ads for feminine protection isn't all white pants and horses, far from it, Kotex mock the stereotypical cheerful lady in a lavender field, Libra Invisibles sells on manwatching, Kotex in Australia sells on a beaver-pun. Hell way back in 2003 Libresse was used as a way of picking up moped-boys by sabotaging their gas-tank. As for "have a happy period", as soon as we heard that line we went for broke inventing worse ones in the comments. It's been years since any feminine hygiene product sold on the white pants-visual. Nice to see Bodyform catch up and own the web so quickly.


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caffeinegoddess's picture

Love this.

Dabitch's picture

The blue water man. As soon as she pours that glass, the Hitchcockian tension is ON. :P