BMW - Reverse April Fool (Free trade in, ask for Tom) - (New Zealand)

Greetings from the future! You know, in New Zealand, it's been April 1 for hours already, so they've had time to prank the public proper before people in the UK even finished their tea. BMW in Auckland decided to test the unsuspecting public, and offered a free new BMW trade-in to anyone who asks for Tom at the dealership. Most people flicking through their morning paper probably just chuckled to themselves and moved on.

But what if... What if you did get a free BMW if you asked for Tom? Who would be brave enough to just check it out? This reverse April fool had most of Auckland fooled and one driver very happy.

Damon Stapleton – Chief Creative Officer
Shane Bradnick - Executive Creative Director
James Conner- Art Director
Christie Cooper – Copywriter
Elizabeth Beatty – Managing Partner
Paula Brown – Account Director
Kathy Gieck – General Manager
Katie Walton – Group Account Director
James Anderson –Director - Two Heads TV Production
Clayton Carpinter – Camera
Ant Nevision - Sound
Kate Carter – Head of Media Relations
Eleisha Balmer – Senior Account Manager
Client - BMW New Zealand

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