BlueFly - We're Gonna Be Late (2006) 0:80 (USA)

Nothing to wear?

Agency: MGL
CD/Copywriter: Bill Lane
Art Director: Sven Mohr
Producer: Gary Bass
Managing Director: Jerry Gottlieb
Media Director: David Fontana
Account Executive: Alicia Kelly
Production Company: Person Films
Director: Michael Haussman
Outside Editorial
Editor: Scott Gailard

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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MaryWills's picture

This is supposed to make me want to buy clothing through them? Sorry, I don't think so. This spot does nothing for me except make me want to shop elsewhere.

windowphobe's picture

This might have been better if they'd squeezed it down to 60 seconds.

deeped's picture

Is it a company in the "Fly whenever you want"-segment? I don't get it. But I can't say I feel upset by the spot itself... but hey, I'm from Sweden...

MaryWills's picture

No it's a online clothing place for off-price designer brands. (