Blue Cross Blue Shield Of NC - Jen - (2009) :60

Rabbit Director Matthew Ogens recently helmed a stirring six-part campaign for BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina. The sequence of :30s, done in collaboration with Ogilvy, Durham, plays like a series of micro films that display Ogens' impressive range, from orchestrating action sequences to capturing beautiful scenery to telling a simple narrative with voiceover.

The second trio of :30s - Charles, Jen and Sarah - focuses on the individual stories of a heart transplant recipient, a diabetic, and a head-trauma victim whose lives were enhanced or saved by the resources of BlueCross BlueShield. Each spot shows the central character living their day-to-day life, mowing the lawn, shopping at the grocery store, or, in the case of young Sarah (the head-trauma victim), twirling merrily through a forest. These humble scenes are charged with a special significance and joy through the dramatic voiceovers that explain how BlueCross BlueShield is directly responsible for the procedures or resources that saved each of their lives.

Client: Blue Cross Blue Shield Of NC
Spots Title: Charles, Jen, Sarah
Air Date: November 2009

Creative Consultants: Ogilvy, Durham
Art Director: Tofer Moran
Producer: Herb Campbell

Prod Company: Rabbit
Director: Matthew Ogens
DP: Eric Steelberg
EP(s): Douglas Howell, Anura Idupuganti
Producer: Scott Ludden
Production Supervisor: Eric Stoft

Post/Effects: Company X

Editorial Co: Company X
Editor(s): Barney Miller, Lisa Mogol
EP: Jonlyn Williams

Location: Pittsboro, NC

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