Black smoke, white smoke... now pink smoke over the Vatican

USA today and everyone else asks Is that Pink Smoke over the Vatican? And yes it is, no not the 2011 documentary called "Pink smoke over the vatican", but a smoke protest that is happening all over the world, including down in Florida.

Using breast cancer & Barbies signature color, these ladies of faith want women priests to be included at the top in the Catholic church. A stunt that worked rather well when you see the miles of press it has generated.

Euronews has video & interviews with the protesters, Miriam Duignan, Communications coordinator of the association 'Women can be priests' explains:

"The Catholic church should be a healthy and vibrant place with equality, with both men and women called to the priesthood. Jesus did not exclude women. Jesus encouraged women and actively sought to include them."

Meanwhile, all we see at the Vatican right now is black smoke.

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