Bitter Beer Face Will Get You Out of Anything

The setting is an office. The guys are hanging out with their boss. One of them is making a joke, "Then she says 'Now that's scary!'." The boss says he's glad he hired him. Then a teenage girl comes walking toward them. The guy who told the joke says "Wow, check out this freak show." Then he learns it's the bosses daughter!

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Keystone light freakshow

When the girl says, "Hi daddy!" the boss scowls at the new guy. What can get this guy out of a sticky situation? Only a bitter beer! He drinks and his whole face contorts into an unbelieveable mess. The people present yell "Bitter beer face!". The guy shakes and shakes his head and gasps as his head goes back to its normal state. Then we see the ad part about Keystone light never being bitter. Then we see the guys again. The boss laughs and says, "If you think that's scary you should see her mother!" They all laugh. My question is, why did the boss forgive him? Does a bitter beer face clear anything up? I guess so.

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