Big Big bubble-gum does "pop-up" magazine ad.

Leo Burnett, São Paulo, Brazil demonstrate that Big Big bubblegum allows you to make really big bubbles with this "pop-up" effect magazine ad.

Creative Director, Ruy Lindenberg
Art Director, Luis Catapano
Photographer, Dercílio Vanzelli

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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purplesimon's picture

They just couldn't afford the model release fee so they covered the face!

It's an okay idea but not the best I've ever seen. Then again, in a country that bans billboards, this could well be the best way to reach your desired audience. 

Dabitch's picture

Looks like a kids magazine, and you know, for kids it's all about how big the bubbles you can blow get. I'm sure the target market adores this ad. :)

Wendall's picture

Neat idea, but once those things start to fall apart it would probably interfere with opening & closing the magazine properly.

kurtberengeiger's picture


alex's picture

Am I alone in seeing a big pink arse there?

Allan1's picture

I see it mostly in the third shot, where the magazine is bent back, and the person's head appears smaller than the bubble.

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

Wendall's picture

An arse with a bizarre rash? Maybe.

Catapano's picture

Thanks for the commentaries. This part was propagated and the a was not expensive sufficient point to make impracticable it. More commentaries:

Catapano, Luis.

NoCloset's picture

Great ad, well done.