Battle of the ad blogs - 2nd Sunday

So, the Sunday game update is a little late this Sunday, as it is officially Monday here in Denmark now. Sorry about that, but I was busy pouring through the logs - manually as I trust no one but my own eyes (it's a control freak thing I won't let you understand), looking for any signs of foul play.

And I found none. So y'all can breathe a sigh of relief now. Some battle-bloggers and cheerleaders were a little concerned that some blogs enourmus spikes were created through good old fashioned cheating. It isn't. But don't worry kids, I'll keep a close eye on the logs just in case.

Read more - Sunday traditional linkfest inside. Lets see how our players are doing!

The disadvantages - some blogs have in the non-english language section have far more readers than those who write in much smaller languages. Portuguese and Russian is spoken in many more places than Swedish, for example.

The cheerleaders Freelance Fred roots for George Parker. Igor is actually from Snarkhunting but scores extra points with a limerick style vote-encouragment.Bitch lab is an easy mark and tells everyone to vote for Steve. The french language pals have been alerted to the Marketing Alternatif's nomination, and Non mais tu rends compte? wants everyone to vote "en masse".Alternative Buzz agrees.sport_communication also sends readers to vote for the great MA. Dutch cheerleading is going on at Brand who root for Marketingfacts. Caiocesar cast a vote for Random Culture. Idea Grove endorse Jeremy of POP! after getting some 'sour grapes' off their chest, and infocomgroup agrees. Adverka's fans are all over the livejournal servers, deineko, encore-cpp, longys, somelove, cypa, yullich - they have a huge advantage not only in size of the Russian language but also in the fact that Adverka is a community, in a community. Meanwhile, like the "Brazilian hospitality center" in Cannes attracts all the adgeeks thirsty for real Cachaça (and that's all the adgeeks), Brainstorm9 also has fans all over the planet Farpas & Bitaites, perdidonaweb to name but two. Those not busy cheerleading are busy finding new blogs to read, like Serial Thoughts who found interesting stuff at Fallon planning blog.

On the bench Plenty are emailing, wishing that they had been included. None of those are linking to the battle this week.

The Players Some players, like politicians, remind readers in nearly every post they make that the battle is on and they want your vote. All good, I know I'd want to get my hands on that 100-pack of jewelboxings and it is war, so vote-begging is fair. ;)

Better than a politician kissing babies, The Spunker will give everyone free cupcakes if they win the battle of the Ad Blogs for best commercial ad blog. And who doesn't love cupcakes? Mark Simonson might think a battle sounds messy, but he's doing a-ok. Brainstorm9 have no problem reminding readers to vote, often. Be a Design Group are putting up a good fight despite feeling a little like an underdog.Fabrica just noticed that they were nominated, via their logs, so I guess emailing the keeper of the week was useless. Lets hope they have a chance to catch up, even though it isn't the bloggies. ;) Adfreak and Adrants are neck to neck and both are reminding their readers to vote as often as they can, chariots of fire soundtrack and all, but no cupcakes.Adpulp doesn't serve baked goods either. Hmmm.

Nominees with badges Brand New., Corporate Engagement Trevor Cook flies the flag.. er.. banner. So does Transbuddha and Brand Noise. Hidden Persuader wears his like a mobster. Ideamill just wears it. Killerviral had theirs tailored to suit.

The commentators Resume - The Swedish "Adweek" notes that the battle has begun with the charming choice of headline: "Site starts BLOG WAR". Hellyah.

The battle will rage until Friday Feb 10, when we'll announce the verdict of the worlds ad blog readers. The blog with the most votes in a category wins the battle 2006, a badge to proudly wear on their blog and a snazzy t-shirt (their choice of size and colour) with their battle tank #1 Ad Blog status on it, full bragging rights included, and a Pixies Live Disc, while the jammy blog that gets the most votes overall gets the tee, the disc and a 100-pack of Jewelboxings! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Bets of luck to all battle-blogs!

If you wish to root for your favorites here are the anchors: Best non English language ad blog, Best Ad-Porn Blog, Best General Ad Commentary, Best Ad Commentary non US, Best Commercial Ad Blog , Best Ad Agency Ad Blog, Best Planner/Theorists Blog, Best School Ad Blog, Best Design Discussion Blog, Best Typography Blog, Best Marketing Blog, Best PR Blog, Best Viral Blog, Best Inspiration Blogs, Best Online/Interactive, Best Topical Blogs

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Dabitch's picture

I only just found this, and it cracks me up. Most original vote-begging?

Brandflakesforbreakfast "Gene Simmons stopped by the office this morning. I was telling him about the Battle of the Ad Blogs, and when he heard that we weren't winning, he got really pissed...." (read more at link there's a great picture)

Dabitch's picture

Oh this one is good too AdFreak is the rebellion in Star Wars fighting Jabba the Hut.