Barilla - The Rooftop Match with Roger Federer (2020) 3:51 (Italy)

One of the most fun videos that went viral during the Italian lockdown was when Carola and Vittoria, two teenagers from Finale Ligure, in Italy, found a creative way to play a ‘socially distanced’ tennis match. They played while standing on rooftops across the street from each other. Now, that's clever, and also showed that they had a passion for playing tennis, so Roger Federer and Barilla saw their video and decided to surprise the girls right in their home in Finale Ligure.

This is genuinely quite sweet, the girls are extremely excited and surprised to see Federer on their rooftop, and better still they get to play with him. Since I know full well that good food does bring people together, I'm not going to argue that this ad idea is a stretch. I'm too busy being charmed by how Vittoria says "Federer" every two seconds. This is adorable. 

Client: Barilla 

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This is really cute.