Banks suck, so use our bank instead!

We've seen a bit of a creative renaissance with bank ads so far this year, in a "Your bank is old and busted. Ours is hip and fresh and trusted!" sort of way. Leading the way was Washington Mutual's current campaign done by, believe it or not, Leo Burnett.

And now, U.S. Bank is also taking a well-pointed and spiffily-edited stab at the genre with a new campaign by the Kaplan Thaler Group, aka "The Fastest-Growing Agency in America." Superadgrunts, check 'em out.

U.S. Bank - Name Game
U.S. Bank - Low Rates

In related Kaplan Thaler news, Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of the Aflac duck, was just voted the Unsexiest Man in the World by the Boston Phoenix. Go Gilbert!

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