Axe and Whipped Cream

Axe is taking an approach similar to it's overseas version, Lynx, now that the advertising is moving away from educating consumers that it exists and heading more towards aspiring to be an "Axe man". From Print Critic:

"The ads show that guys need to be ready to meet girls anytime and anywhere, especially now that the 'Axe effect' is longer lasting," says BBH's ECD Kevin Roddy, apparently using "meet" in its nudge-nudgiest, wink-winkiest sense. "We've evolved the work into a more aspirational area, from an educational campaign about how to use the product to a more stylized brand campaign."

Read on to see the ads.

(the following 3 page ad was found in SI's Swimsuit issue 05)

Copy at the bottom reads:
1. Peel off sticker.
2. Place over photo of your favorite swimsuit model.
3. Now quit messing with stickers- get Axe shower gel and see it for real.
Tag: How dirty boys get clean.

Either this guy is having a lot of sex or he really likes to take whip-hits.

Credits for refrigerator ad:
Agency: BBH Bartle Bogle Hegarty, N.Y.
CWs: Mathew Ian, Brian Friedrich
ADs: Amee Shah, Phillip Bonnery
Photographer: (John) Clang

Even though I'm not the target, I prefer the concept in the latest TV spot for Axe making the rounds. I think it's a bit more straight forward and yet still achieves the "wink wink" that they seem to be working towards. (superadgrunts click on image to view the spot)


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