Audi A3 - Turns (2007) 0:70 (Spain)

Agency: DDB Barcelona

Under the slogan "Your turn", the agency Tandem DDB uses a playful concept to present the sports version of the Audi A3. To make emphasis in the young and sporting character of the car, the advert uses new codes, different of the usual
communication from the Audi brand.

Belèn Gayán, of Agosto productions, directs this film that positions A3 as the ultimate object of desire exploring at the same time a ludic approach in its plot. She achieves to transform the entire city of Buenos Aires in a playing field where all the people runs to get the prize, an Audi A3.

Game rules are quite simple. If a temporary driver stops, then he must hand the car over to anyone asking for it, the car now belongs to him until the next player arrives. This is how the film underlines the sporting and dynamic spirit of the A3. With an increasing pace, the advert shows how the people uses different tricks so they can enjoy the car even only for a moment. Meanwhile, different drivers take turns and each time more and more people let everything aside to run after the car.

The spot ends with an image of the Audi A3 parked in the street, tempting the viewer to take his turn and participate in the game.

Agency: DDB Barcelona
Creative Director: Alberto Astorga
Art Direction: Jaume Bad"a
Copy: Alfredo Binefa
Accounts Manager: Paqui González
Accounts Executive: Roser Vila
Agency Producer: Vicky Moñino
Production Company: Agosto
Director: Belèn Gayán
Producer: Toni Moreno
Director of Photography: Manel Ruiz
Editor: Dani Arbonès
Post-production: Metropolitana
Music: B.S.O

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