AT&T GoPhone - Gingerbread (2007) 0:30 (USA)

The stars come out for AT&T's GoPhone holiday spot. The father is voiced by Steve Buscemi and Norm MacDonald is the voice of the son. Animation by Aardman

Credits: Agency: BBDO New York
Producer: Sarah Ryan Creative Directors: David Skinner & Darren Wright Art Director: Justin Lesinski Copywriter: Evan Brown For Aardman Animations Producer: Laura Pepper Director: Darren Robbie Media Buy: Mediaedge:cia

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bella's picture

I love Aardman, this is very cute.Io sono un clown e faccio collezione di attimi - H.Böll

caffeinegoddess's picture

Aardman is fantastic - I love their work. A bit surprised to see Buscemi in a commercial. Great job by all. :)