Apple WWDC 2017 APPOCALYPSE (2017) 3:00 (USA)

In an unusually humoristic clip, for Apple, the brand envisions a world without apps. The Appocalypse. The new guy has been relegated to sit in the server room and unplugs the entire world.

We then see how people all over the world begin swearing at their phones as they're wiped of all apps. Helpless without their yelps, Waze, navigation and whatnot civilization breaks down.

At some point, as all the cars crashed into each other, I wondered if the Android users were carrying on their merry way. In the app-less mad max future a black market of real-world apps appears, with llamas in Farmville and a table where you can crush candies with a hammer. People face-swap at the plastic surgeon. Hunks pose in Tinder and a horse-drawn junk car is "looking for Brian" as they are the new Lyft.

While it's all rather amusing, it's also kind of pointless. I have a OnePlus android, Apple, what are you trying to tell me? Oh, that's right "keep making apps, the world depends on you" - welcome to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2017. Perhaps your app will be the next global success.

Client: Apple
Song: “All Right” by Christopher Cross

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fairuse's picture

I was tricked! Apps? Without doubt it is funny until the Bruce Willis action movie cut scenes to a final pointless bullshit reference to apps.

Thank you Apple for creating the most inefficient way to get anything done on a computer. My HTC, iPad, Kindle, and my wife's box of Samsung thingys all are similar at the UI level. But I have 100 apps installed on my mobile just to get things done; My browser is/was/has been stripped down to it's knickers and forced to tattoo Apple mark on forehead. (I almost said it Mr. Circumcised.)

(Pinching bridge of nose) Apps have made me pull hair out -- It's like some nightmare from the late 1970's -- racks upon racks of boxes of FORTRAN utilities, punched cards. There was a sign (I was told it was not in safety book - remove it ) on my Data General, "No candles in this room if power failure."

Sport's picture

Ugh, the old selfies joke. Seen it so many times now.