Apple "Sway" (2017) 1:30 (USA)

Boy, Apple really likes dancing, don't they? It's like they want to own dancing. I guess they feel like dancing is a great way to sell a thousand dollar plusi Phone and AirPods that make you look like you're wearing bluetooth speakers wrong. Ah but whatever, it's romance and Christmas and the ready made "we're married irl" story of dancers Christopher Grant and Lauren Yatango-Grant will move people, same with Sam Smith's middle of the road singing. People have already left comments about a confusing scene. The Daily Mail wrote ".//eagle-eyed viewers might spot something unusual in the final scene - as one of the earphone disappears from Christopher's ear from one scene to another, despite Lauren still wearing hers. Christopher is also standing in the same location as when he had the earphone in, so there appears to be no obvious reason why it should have been removed. Some viewers suggested that the dancing scenes after the spotlight turns on is meant to resemble a dream, and that after the footage switches back to reality - hence no earphone for Christopher. However, others remained confused, saying that as she originally hands him the earphone before the 'dream' sequence, it should still be there." Fantasy or reality aside, the spot is also an apt metaphor for Apple these days: myopic, and living in their own worlds. Also, sharing AirPods with a stranger is gross. Oh well. At least it's getting press.

Client: Apple Agency: TBWA Media Arts Lab Song: Sam Smith "Palace"

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