Apple & Salvation Army - Digital app donation box - (spec) - (2012) :30 (Germany)

Philip Hovensjö, Max Pilwat, Andy Schwitter and Westley Taylor at the Miami Ad School in Hamburg came up with this clever little idea to have people donate unwanted/unused apps this holiday season, turning the apps into money for the Salvation Army.

Since Apple actually makes a % of every app-sale, and the app-maker makes the rest, I'm not sure exactly where the money is coming from here, but it sounds like Apple is meant to give away the cost of the app as a donation.

Hmmm. Would Apple really want to do that? I'm sure there'd be plenty of goodwill in it for them, but also potentially a huge windfall of apps are donated, taking a large chunk of Apple's iTunes profits away with it. Why don't they just make a small gift-card for people to buy, which is donated to those in need instead? Like a Red Cross virtual Gift card available via the iTunes store and Google Play. Salvation Army gift cards. Amnesty gift cards. With Google and Apple taking their usual %.

Aw feckit, *digs in pocket*, here my Santa-friend ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, have my laundry quarters. Ka-ching!

Client: Apple
BRIEF SET BY: Miami Ad School
Art Directors: Philip Hovensjö, Max Pilwat, Andy Schwitter
Copywriter: Westley Taylor
Voice Over: Shane Stever

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