Animal Foundation "Pet Cat" (2015) :30 (USA)

You'll never have to worry about oversleeping again! Seeing as how my cat woke me at 5 today, that would be all too true. Love this silly spot clearly written by a cat lover. Paper bag is always a hit. Makes me wonder why I even buy the toys.

Client: The Animal Foundation (Las Vegas)
Agency: R&R Partners
Executive Creative Director: Arnie DiGeorge
Creative Director: Ron Lopez
Copywriter: Chrissy Deem
Copywriter: Mary Money
Art Director: Rachel Hogan
Senior Brand Manager: Sarah Catletti
Brand Manager: Amber Allen
Agency Producer: Sherpa Pictures
Business Affairs: Pam Petrescu

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ha, they love cats, clearly. While the old infomercial-joke is old, this was rather cute. Also you buy the toys to get the paper bags. Duh.