Allied Dunbar - Pregnancy test / There may be trouble ahead (1994) :60 (UK)

Desperately looking for his razor a father stumbles across a pregnancy test in the bathroom. He immediately confronts his teenage daughters, yelling "I thought I told you to be careful!"

Finally, the mother interrupts his berating them, and softly explains: John, we should have been more careful.

Ad agency: Grey, London

Creative Directors: Slim Foster,  Mike Everett, Mike Elliott, Paul Smith

Copywriter: Martin Loraine
Art Director: Steve Jones

Director: Graham Rose and Frank Budgen
Producers : Ron Holbrook, Mary Francis
Set Designer: Jim Clay,  Rod McLean
Agency Producer: Amanda Lowit
Editor: Ian Weil,  Simon Wilcox
Lighting Cameraman: Tony Pierce-Roberts, Peter Hannan

Music Composer : Irving Berlin
Arranged by : Simon Fraglin

Marketing Communications Manager: David Sims

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