Allan Grey - Time Flies / Child grows - (2011) :90 (South Africa)

Way to get me all weepy eyed, Allan Grey. This story will go straight to the heart of most parents. As a child, all you want is to grow, be older and wiser, as a parent, all you want is to cherish every moment. Truth well told. You don't need to understand Afrikaans to understand the story. The mother at the start tells her daughter to that it's just five more sleepies until the big day. The daughter, impatient with counting wishes herself to next week and her birthday. She continues using her gift to fast-forward her life to ride big kid rides at the amusement park, to marry the boy of her dreams, to land that dream job. To skip the whole pregnancy and see the moment of her own daughters birth....

Ad Agency: KingJames, Cape Town, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Alistair King
Creative Director: Alistair King
Art Director: Karin Barry
Copywriter: Paige Nick
Agency Producer: Caz Friedman
Production Company : Velocity Films
Director : Keith Rose
Producer : Grant Davies
DOP: Peter Tischauser
Sound: MADPLANET / Bob Dylan / Medina
Post Online: Searle Street Post Production
Post offline: Searle Street Post Production

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