ALDI is mainly known for its low prices, but not enough for the quality of its products. We often tend to think that the more expensive a product is, the higher its quality. So, in order to show consumers that it is possible to find quality products even at low prices, ALDI decided to shake up this preconceived notion by ... consumer taste tests, conducted by Ipsos France.
"The real surprise of Christmas" is to learn that it's not necessary to pay for the most expensive product to find that it's good. This campaign from Ogilvy Paris demonstrates that by having a people taste test their products, though telling the testers that they were trying three different products at very different price levels.
The psychological impact of price on the perception of quality.
The brand and its agencies started from a simple observation: the French want to consume quality products, especially during the holidays. So, the brand sought to demonstrate that it is possible to enjoy quality products at Christmas, without going broke. To achieve this, a study was conducted by Ipsos France in September 2020 with a panel of 313 consumers. The study involved tasting the same ALDI- branded product displayed at three different prices: low, medium and high. The result was indisputable: on average, 81% of respondents preferred the product when the displayed price was the most expensive*. And yet, it was the same ALDI-branded product sold at the lowest price each time.
This campaign, which demonstrates and documents the influence price can play on the mind by putting the consumer in front of his own contradictions, with humor and kindness, is in line with ALDI's new brand platform "Place au nouveau consommateur" launched January 2020.
Team Leader: Alexandre Personne
Presidents: Matthieu Elkaim & Emmanuel Ferry
Chief Creative Officer: Matthieu Elkaim
Creative Directors: Julien Bredontiot & Alexandra Offe
Account Team: Thomas Crouzet, Alice d'Anglejan, Anna Silve, Pauline Perreau-Saussine
Strategic Planning: Fanny Camus-Tournier, Martin Denoix
Print Producer: Valérie Saulnier & Florence Loshouarn
TV Production: Julien Sanson, Barthélémy de Champsavin, Lucille de Chateaubodeau
Sound production: Johanne Kenniche, Céline Bazard, Jean-Jacques Hubert
Managing Director: Géraldine Myoux
Creative Director: Pascal Bobelicou
Account Team: Lucie Guimaraes, Julie Richard, Dana Kamalidenova
Track producer: Aurore Augen & Marie Nonnenmacher
Managing Director: Jean-Philippe Chevret
Business Partner: Elodie Courreau
Senior Media Consultant: Walter Flahaut
Account Executive: Sébastien Roitel and Rody Kiala