Air Serv partners with Feed My Starving Children

photo: @kidsleepy

You ever stop at a gas station and see those air pumps and you're like, wait, why does it cost 75 cents for air when a mechanic would do this for free? Seems as if one air providin' company is using some of the money for good.

I've never seen one of these in L.A. but I'm traveling for work and I spotted this on the east coast last night. The company, Air Serv are responsible for providing air to more than 65,000 locations. As part of their Air For Charity program, they're donating $100,000 per year for five years, directly from the profits of the machines, to a charity called Feed My Starving Children.

Feeding your tires = feeding kids. All you have to do is vacuum your car or fill up your tires and you're helping out. I think that's great, especially for low-involvement-activists. And judging by the number of red avatars in my Facebook feed this past week, there are a lot of you.

More importantly it's nice to see an unexpected company doing this, as opposed to the usual crop of mega corporations who would spend millions on advertising to tell you they donated a hundred grand.

Before now, I wouldn't have even noticed a brand name on a gas station air pump. Air Serv just branded itself in a smart way. And what's more, they put a charity's logo front and center on they're unused ad space instead of selling it to a more relevant brand. Like air fresheners or something.

Nice one, guys.

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jb's picture

not one air pump in Central Maui works. Are you kidding??????

Dabitch's picture

Kidsleepy is writing about pumps spotted in Pennsylvania, not Hawaii. We have no information on air pumps in Hawaii or whether they work or not.

Teresa Trejo's picture

Took our money and didn't even work. . They need to report the ones that don't work. I don't mind donating but make sure the units work Avondale az .

joe maziarz's picture

So that five-year deal is set to expire at the end of this month does anyone know if the deal has been extended or are they just going to pocket all the money from now on.. I'm staring at 1 in Sanborn New York and it's a dollar fifty which is $0.50 more than most around here and it fills your tires slower than your average air pump but I just want to know if all the money is going towards them though

kidsleepy's picture

According to Charity Navigator, Feed My Starving Children has an overall scoring of 91% and in terms of transparency they are 100%. I'm sure if you look up their website you could contact them and see. Not to say the gas stations aren't lying about the donations but you could probably find out easily enough.

Rider718's picture

This is a scam. I drive a living and see these gas pumps all over Washington state. Air hoses cut, pumps don't work, they take your money with no recourse to get your money or the air you paid for. It's mid April and the signs are still on these machines when the contracted end in March.

N's picture

It's the People who are greedy want all there money for them selfs not for Hungry Children. Soon every thing will Chang. All these People will be taken off this earth & die. No more any thing .