Advertising in online video games: check, done that.

In our best "been there, done that, doing it tomorrow"-tude, we knew we'd have to advertise in a video game eventually - since we've been writing about it so much. When the suitable topical game The Young Guns vs The Old Ones, where new media agencies street fight against established alphabet soup groups and holding company agencies, appeared we simply had to do it. Had to!

So there ya have it, our first ad within gamespace. Cute innit? ;)

Now if someone could help me get through this game without killing my own team, my day would be made!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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aiiobo's picture

aaw, that's cute.

AnonymousCoward's picture

What a pity that it's a rip

aiiobo's picture

Wow! That's damn near identical! Please tell me the same company made these two games.

suture's picture

It is the same company :) Read the f.a.q. and you too will be enlightened...

MaryWills's picture

hahaha! oh no one reads FAQs...

Dabitch's picture

*belly laugh*
This is true - it seems FAQ translates to "frickin' absolutly (never) query".