Adland Viral Quiz Extended until after Xmas. Everyone wins an upgrade now!

Remember the viral quiz where you could win a book?
Oh you poor sods. I don't know how I manage but it seems that when I aim for 'tricky' I accidently make the quizzes 'bloody hard' or something. Only one single person has scored a perfect ten in the Adland Viral Quiz so far - adgrunt opinion-leading. That's one single signed Connected Marketing book that has a new home, but what about the other nine? Give us a break here, I barely have room in my bookshelf for my collection of national lampoon as it is, these books must find a new home!

So that's why I'm extending the Adland Viral Quiz. Every single adgrunt who braved it and tried to score a perfect ten so far, got a +35 days of commercial watching super adgruntness added to their accounts just for effort. I can't blame it on the eggnog this year, I'm just a sentimental sap and luv you all to bits. Read more to see who scored.

The following adgrunts tried the quiz and are listed in order of score - highest first.
fraserhead , chrisuk43 , mrhobo, cwappy05, caffeinegoddess , hanasiana , yeoldepinemartin , neurophase, viralboy, redrum , Gogzone , penpusher , jessplus2 , themediadrop , sardines , mikemystery , alex , philmang , claymore , anujsarma , mkleeger , enzocesario , cafemuse , soulsurrender , vedrashko , chorizo , hklegend , hongkongphooey , creadrive , rgury , Constantinos , Kamari , peterashby , snerta , adscam , lousyewok , sean_stevens , hacksaw , kikohattorihanzo , christianbaujard , bdhucek , netzkobold , repoman , lepetitgarcon , ksweene , evahasson , whatsnext , genau , gstein , codeguy , kidsleepy , leslieburns , alec , dominicd , k. , ahjorth , mariannefrichmond , johndoom , mn22 , thome , randomculture , rmjoyce , mbodge , TheDee , jmdgls , adspunk , dubane , backwrite , S. , hoopy

All of the above have gotten +35 days of super adgruntships added to their accounts and can access all areas. :)

The Quiz is now extended until the 29th of December - you have nine more days to try and win this thing. The first 9 people to score a perfect ten win a book, the next 20 win a months super adgruntship upgrade. So go on, see if you can crack the nut known as the Adland Viral Quiz.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice gift Dab!

Dabitch's picture

lets hope the grunts who got it, noticed - as I didn't email and tell anyone. ;)

Dabitch's picture

Ok, people who scored ten so far: h.surfa, Tarbos , MeMyselfAndI , aDude and opinion-leading. We still have more books y'all.