Adicolor goes global

Idealogue created an idea for podcast commercials for adicolor. Seven color-themed films in total will each be directed by well-known directors. The first film released was White, (r255g255b255) in which Jenna Jameson bashed the crap out of a Whack-A-Mole machine. It was directed by Tronic. This past week the second film Green (r006g146b071) was released, directed by Happy, which tells the tale of the Finkles and the Gladstones celebration the end of the nuclear winter.

The remaining directors include: Neill Blomkamp, Roman Coppola & Andy Bruntel, Psyop, Saiman Chow, and Charlie White. The rest of the flims have the following release dates: Pink (r243g197b208), April 12; Blue (r023g075b158), April 19; Red (r213g037b053), April 26; Yellow (r254g245b60), May 3; Black (r000g000b000) May 10. The urls for those unreleased spots will also carry on the theme of RGB, which is a very nice touch. The colors relate to the original markers that were sold with the adicolor back in 1983.

The films are the brainchild of New York agency Idealogue's creative directors Jacqueline Bosnjak, Mark Beukes and executive producer Sara Seiferheld, who pitched them direct to adidas.

In tandum with the films, there are also three competitions currently going on. The designers that win will get a limited run of their winning design, an adicolor A-15 leather jacket or collectable Toy2R figure. The competitions run until May 10th.

The release has also been backed up with other activities such as Vice magazine's latest issue with an entirely white plastic cover with black outlines to promote the launch, bollards in various cities with covers shaped as giant marker pens and each of the shops involved in the launch organised special exhibitions. In New York, Idealogue set up a secret showroom that imitated the counterfeit stores in Chinatown as a launch stunt.

In Berlin, mostly white billboards were put up around the city. Eventually they were tagged with urls like, where you can get the adiColor shoes, as well as images of colorized adidas. Check out the series of billboards here.

ad agency: Idealogue

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