I understand the reasoning of going after its detractors, but the problem is, the detractors are right. Wal-Mart does treat its employees like crap, squeezes vendors and undersells to kill independent retailers.
Another problem is, I don't think its key customer base knows of Wal-Mart's many sins, and by publicly addressing them, I think it stands to lose more than gain new customers.
I was thinking VW too, but Arnold around the turn of the century.
My top 3 are
It's the ultimate in copywriting, to say so much without saying a single word.
Now, I can understand that people can be upset at images that remind them of 9/11, even if unintentional. I can almost sympathize with them - I was in NY when it happened and it will stay with me for the rest of my life.
That said, people who see the Twin Towers in innocuous images like the Cingular ad are obviously more prone to unintentional visual reminders than the rest of us. Hell, they probably can't look at a pair of chopsticks without getting all indignant.
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Well, it would be a good way to find out which subscribers are offended by pictures of half-naked, physically fit young women but have no problem with pictures of half-naked, sweaty, physically fit young men... nttawwt of course,
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