Activision - “Skateboarding Dog” - (2009) :60 (USA)

We've been a fan of the skateboarding dog Tillman for years, it is only right that this bulldog gets his own commercial, playing the Tony Hawk video game. Way to go Droga5.

Agency: Droga5
Executive Creative Director: Ted Royer
Head of Integrated Production: Sally-Ann Dale
Agency Producer: Dana May
Sr. Digital Producer: Rob Allen
Art Director: Jon Kubik
Copywriter: Adam Noel
Copywriter: Scott Bell
Production Company: Humble
Director: Jeff Bitsack
Executive Producer: Eric Berkowitz
Head of Production: Persis Koch
Dop: Helge Gerull
Editor: Nick Regalbuto
Post Producer: Kristen Tomborello
Released: November 2009

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