Ace Window Cleaners v/s Stella Neo

Creative teams are getting more ecofriendly. Case in point, the recycling of the Ace Window cleaners ad by Leo Burnett Singapore. Read more to see them.

Here is the original. ART DIRECTOR: Pat Harris WRITER: Pieter Blikslager PHOTOGRAPHER Karl Steinbrenner CLIENT: Ace Window Cleaners AGENCY: Hawley Martin Partners/ Richmond 1993 One Show, Volume 15, Exhibit # 48. 1993 D&AD .

Here is the clone. Jon Loke. art director Victor Ng. writer Tay Guan Hin, creative director Linda Locke, executive creative director Hon, Shutterbug, photographer Lay Leng, Procolor. digital imaging Leo Burnett Singapore (Singapore), ad agency. Stella Neo, Selffix The DIY Store, client. Communication Arts, Advertising Annual 2003, Page 16.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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claymore's picture

If you're a SuperAdgrunt, use the search thingy on this site for Windex - same idea, only less elegant.

Dabitch's picture

hahaha, killing two birds with one stone. (*drumroll*)

I like 'em both a lot though, like Claymore just said "elegant", they're both great posters.

I used to have the Ace Window Cleaners one on my bedroom wall for years. :)

Holger Wilcks's picture

Is this really badland materiel? Isn't it likely that the team or agency weren't really aware of the 10 year old predecessor?


CopyWhore's picture

They're both great, indeed. Same idea. Slightly different executions. I'd say the first one is grittier, and the second more elegant. And surreal. No coincidence there, me thinks. In fact, it seems that the dead bird is probably the first idea, and the neck brace is an evolution of that. Perhaps the client didn't the idea of a dead bird, so they resurrected 'im as a survivor...

caffeinegoddess's picture

The first one would be even more gritty if it had the impression that birds leave on windows when they fly into them. Would have been a nice touch I think.
Second one takes a second longer to get I think. First ad has a quicker "ah-ha".

James Trickery's picture

a bound-to-happen Badlander. Both choice ads, I like the subtle (and surviving) pigeon with a neck-brace idea. real cute. nice badlander catch!

mikemystery's picture

Both good ads, both different enough. I'd say

AnonymousCoward's picture

You guys are not gonna believe this. But Whan I was working in South America I was in charge of SC Johnson and had the EXACT SAME IDEA!!!??? They didn't buy it though. They though it was too violent. That was back in 96.

goes to show.