2nd Annual THE A-LIST Hollywood Branded Entertainment Awards Announces Call For Entries

Recognizing excellence in the rapidly expanding space known as Branded Entertainment.

Hollywood, CA. ––THE A-LIST AWARDS today announces the Call for Entries for its second annual The A-LIST Hollywood Branded Entertainment Awards. Celebrating the fastest growing segment of the advertising and marketing industry, the Branded Entertainment Awards recognize outstanding achievement in branded content for film, television, music, web, mobile content and game media. The deadline for entries is November 9, 2012.
Entrants will compete in more than two dozen categories, including scripted television, unscripted television, television specials, webisodes, films, product placement in feature films, celebrity use, music, gaming and mobile. Entries compete for gold, silver and bronze trophies.

The awards will be judged by a diverse panel of industry experts from around the world, including Doug Scott, President, Ogilvy Entertainment, New York; Scott Donaton, President and CEO, Ensemble, New York; Matt Murphy Creative Director, 72andSunny, Los Angeles; Jared Hoffman, Managing Partner, Generate, Los Angeles; Todd Hunter, Agent, Creative Artists Agency, Los Angeles; Dana Garman Jacobsen Founder and Owner, superstudio, Los Angeles; Francesca Silvestri Executive Producer, Freestyle Productions, Los Angeles; Chantal Rickards Head of Programming & Branded Content, MEC, London; Yuya Furukawa, Executive Creative Director, Dentsu, Tokyo; and Roopak Saluja, Founder and Managing Director, Bang Bang Films, Mumbai, India.

Last year’s winners included Zambezi, Creative Artists Agency, Chipotle and Innocean.

“The A-LIST Hollywood Branded Entertainment Awards is a truly global competition,” said Robert Arentz, Founder and President of The A-LIST Awards. “We recognize that creative excellence can derive from anywhere in the world and foster an international spirit by taking into account different styles and modes of communication employed by differing cultures.”

The A-List Awards formerly known as NXT STAGE Hollywood International Awards - The first advertising awards event of its kind in Hollywood, the entertainment capital, to focus on the intersection between advertising and entertainment in today’s multi-platform world. For more information visit www.TheAList.Net

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