20th Century Fox "Alien: Covenant -Meet Walter" (2017) 2:19 (USA)

The All New Walter. Created to Serve. 20th Century Fox's first in-branded short for the new Ridley Scott-directed Alien: Covenant is centered around Walter.
Walter is the latest synthetic android with intelligence powered by a real brand: AMD and its RyzenTM and RadeonTM processors. The AI is manufactured by the film’s fictional corporation Weyland-Yutani. Walter even has his own microsite The content is delightfully creepy straight down to the song "i feel you," by Melanie De Biasio. The whole thing drips with foreboding. If the movie is half as good a this, it's going to be quite the fun experience.

Client: 20th Century Fox
Conceived by Ridley Scott and 3AM
Director: Luke Scott
Production: RSA Films
Brand partner AMD.

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