15 Megabytes of fame, for us all just like Andy promised.

Hoi adgrunts! As y'all know, we keep our little scrap book of press clippings under the link by the same name and don't make a fuss but lately we've been all over the place like a bad rash and this is just too much fun to not write about. Even you dear adgrunts are getting press-mentions these days. :) How cool is that?

A few weeks back, our ripping apart of Mindshares rendition of Donna Summers hit, made the Dutch tradepress Adformatie and we have a copy thanks to a helpful dutch adgrunt. I think it reads a little like this but my Dutch is poor - the jist of this makes sense to me even though it sounds a bit bizarre in English.

"The judgement from ad-addicts-pump Adland (ad-rag.com) on the promotional film from Mindshare is rock-hard."

Later we reported on Hardly Legal, and a discussion ensued in the comments - the comments were then spotted in Swedish tradepress Resumé. Adgrunt troymcclure said:
"Between their XXX-rated Mini outdoor that just won an Obie and their Virgin Atlantic Spectravision spoof and now this, I'd say Crispin has pretty much milked the whole faux porn gimmick dry"

Caffeinegoddess' sleuthy skills uncovering all the nooks and crannies in the ad campaign for the 2006 Audi A3, beat everyone to the punch which is duly noted by Brian Clark who worked on the campaign, over at Revenews.

And yesterday, I startled friends, strangers and most of all myself over the morning cup of joe as I was featured , real big, in Sydsvenskan. The opening blurb reads:

"While Swedish bloggers with around 3000 visitors a day argue about who has the biggest blog, Swedish Åsk Wäppling sits in Copenhagen counting in ten times as many visitors a day."

Thanks Kullin, Tiger and Researcher for the congratulatory blurbs. :) Though, best comment yet is a amberglows:

" meanwhile, dabitch has been pregnant for like 3 years, no? what's up with that? ; >"

made me laugh. Sure FEELS like it.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

That's fab! Love the pic Dab!

Dabitch's picture

..that makes one of us. ;P Someone's walking through my head! argh!

Hey I completly forgot to mention another recent brush with fame. Etermedia from channel 4 in Sweden both wrote about and rated Adland in their newsletter thing. I'm really really chuffed that we got the highest score 5 for content and the superscore 4 for (site) structure! Gimme five! *slap*

deeped's picture

S*ckers - I know that people from that channel is reading my blog... but it probably is because of the swedish lang. :)