But not just a random cup with a logo on it like you have in your agency. No, these are cups made for specific positions. A cup in the life (promoting its in-house café) calls out everyones role. From Account Sups ( Urgent client call, urgent client meeting, urgent client request) to creatives (Brainstorm with partner.um...er..it's gonna be a while.) Fun idea. Although these deserve to be way more snarky, though.
A cup in the life of a Creative:
Brainstorm with partner, if you have one.
Work till 11pm.
11 Am: Watch your cd write his own scripts instead.
Put up with it until you produce something.
Go somewhere else for more respect or at least money.
A Cup In The Life Of A Founder:
Start scrappy.
Sell out to major conglomerate
Become rich and woefully out of touch.
Call yourself scrappy during 1,000 employee all agency meeting.
A cup in the life of an Admin:
Be treated like dirt by CD's.
Get yelled at by creatives when lunch arrives late.
Find solace in other underpaid colleagues.
Resign when least expected.