Yoplait - Richard Simmons - (2008) :30 (USA)

OMG It’s Richard Simmons again!
I still don’t understand why you want to eat 110 calrories of "healthy" yoghurt that tastes like cheesecake. I guess I am not a woman. Patrick Sherman of Anonymous Content directed this :30 spot for General Mills' Yoplait brand yogurt via Saatchi & Saatchi.

Client: General Mills
Spots Title: Richard Simmons
Air Date: September 2008

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
CD/Writing: Mandy Hoveyda
CD/Art: Melinda Kanipe
CD(s): Amie Hadden, Amy Nicholson
Senior Producer: Peter Ostella

Prod Company: Anonymous Content
Director: Patrick Sherman
EP: Cassie Hulen
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison
Head of Production: Sue Ellen Clair
Producer: Paul Ure
Production Supervisor: Rebecca Morley

Editorial: Filmcore NY & The Quarry London

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